The recent boom of cryptocurrency has translated into a new industry for sport sponsorship opportunities. While the NBA has already tapped into this market (Hello, Arena), NFL teams have yet to completely dive in.   That’s not necessarily by choice, though. With the meteoric rise...

With 2022 just around the corner, Zoomph figured it’s time to reflect…on big social moments that is. We took a look at each major league to find their most viral post based on impressions.  MLB: Field of Dreams Intro Video Impressions: 36,175,281 Engagements: 376,490 Engagement Rate: 1.04% Social Value: $1,037,498 MLB’s...

Key Takeaways Wimbledon remains the most prestigious tennis tournament in the world; reflected in social media performance. Wimbledon had 2.2X more social value than the French Open. Wimbledon partners' owned content garnered over 6.6X more impressions than the French Open partners' owned content. The tennis performance...